Saturday 2 July 2011



Wheat flour - 2 cups

Water - enough to mix the dough

Salt - optional

Oil - 2 tsps


Take flour in a mixing bowl.

Sprinkle Water gradually and Knead to a Smooth dough.

Pat and Knead the dough for several times ( Atleast  for  10 to 15 mins )
keep closed for 4 to 5 hours

Make 14 even sized balls.

Flatten and rool out into medium sized Chappathis.

Heat a tawa and put chappathi on a top.

When small bubbles appear  on a top turn over immediately.

Roast till light brown underneath.

Turn over  to direct flame ( or use a wire mesh on top of the stove )
When it puffs up like puris, remove from fire.

Crumble the Chappathi with hands. (once )

Fold like a triangle and keep in a chappathi box Which is lined with a thin Muslin cloth.

Apply little ghee on one side of Chappathi before folding ( optional )

Caloric value: 

one pulka - 73 calories

Yeild :14 pulkas

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